
Making the Mona Lisa dance "like a Virgin"

Mona Lisa (also known as La Gioconda or La Joconde) is a painted in oil by the Florentine artist Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century... and in the 21th it dances "like a Virgin".

Official Microsoft Kinect SDK Released

Immediately after its public release the Microsoft Kinect was hacked apart and open sourced. That, is the open driver has been around for some time now. However, now the official beta SDK by Microsoft has been released. It includes drivers, API's for raw sensor streams and human motion tracking (similar to open-NI framework)...

Features included in the SDK:

  • Raw sensor streams
  • Skeletal tracking
  • Advanced audio capabilities
  • Sample code and documentation
  • Easy installation

More info: Microsoft research

Kinect-based interactive picture frame in PUPP‘ART exhibition

With this Kinect Hack the visitor becomes the main character of the painting. This piece of art becomes alive to give birth to an interaction between image and reality.

Augmented reality with Kinect: realtime virtual character control

The classical realtime control (OpenNI-based) of a virtual character using Kinect. The novelty here is that the character has been inserted in the webcam video stream using augmented reality techniques. Great idea!

Wild street performance in Indonesia using Kinect Hacks

6 projectors, 3 Kinects, 3 PCs, OpenNI for interaction, all stitched together with a specially made 16 point correction program. It looks original... and fun!

Kinect based teleconferencing with real-time 3D capture and auto-stereo display

This Kinect hack introduces a proof-of-concept telepresence system that uses several Kinect devices in order to fully reconstruct a scene. This 3D data can then be used in a teleconference system which implements an auto-stereo display using head tracking.

Now, when a commercial product?

More information: here

SwimBrowser, a Kinect Hack to swim the web naturally

This Kinect Hack aims to control a web browser naturally through gestures. In fact, gestures used look quite intuitive (like swimming) and the interface is very fluid. Maybe for checking some news from the sofa?

Experimental performance with Kinect and Adaptive Learning Algorithms

A performative experiment that explores boundaries and possibilities of the interactions between indivual and the virtual, man and machine. Nice to see that Kinect also opens new ways of art...

Realtime facial animation using a Kinect Hack

This hack uses a novel face tracking algorithm that can deal with the noisy output given by the Kinect sensor. The obtained data is then mapped in real time to a 3D mesh. Nice hack!